

In many people the skin is a benign soft growths flesh colored. In most cases, they have a "foot". In the home as a skin growths baptized warts. But in dermatology are called papillomas.

These growths can appear anywhere on the body. However, the most common of them are the zone of the armpits, neck and inguinal area. If you do not pay attention, then they are able to grow in size, the wound in contact with clothing and bleed.

Why arise cutaneous polyps, it is necessary to turn on the doctor and how to get rid of them forever — consider in our article.

Because of what appears papilloma

The main cause of this pathology is the HPV, or papilloma virus. He has the body almost every person. But by far not all occur external manifestations in the form of growths. This is due to the fact that in good health the virus safely suppressed by cells of the immune system cells. And over 2-3 years, in most cases, he himself disappears from the body.

What is a virus? HPV — this shell-less virus which embedded into the DNA of the cells of the skin and mucous membranes. It is located on the surface, not to return into the deeper layers of the dermis.

Long months and even years lying fallow. In the reduction of immunity due to various reasons, the virus is activated and begins to grow. So arise papilloma.

The factors that negatively affect the immune system include:

  • Permanent stress.
  • A bad or monotonous food.
  • A lack of vitamins.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • A passive lifestyle.
  • Harmful habits.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • Moved severe infectious diseases.
  • The uncontrolled intake of antibiotics.

The risk groups are older people, because in connection with age changes in an organism less able to withstand viruses. Also often skin growths occur in children. Unfinished child's immunity is not able to cope with the virus. And that, after 2-3 months after infection, enters the active phase.

Important! If a person is infected with HPV, then completely remove it from the body impossible. Either happens heals, or it falls into "sleep mode", in enhancing the immunity.

Risk factors for women

In the period of pregnancy in women occurs natural attenuation of the immune system. It is necessary that a body perceive the embryo as a foreign object, and gave him the opportunity, a connection in the womb. If a woman has in the body is present by the hpv virus, then it certainly will use this moment. Therefore, in pregnant incidence of papillomas — the most common problem.

Risk factors for men

Causes of skin symptoms in men consist in the abuse of alcohol, frequent change of sexual partners, smoking. Bad habits have a negative effect on the state of the overall immunity, and constant inhalation of tobacco smoke are stifling the local protection of the oral cavity and respiratory organs. It is able to cause such a heavy disease, how papilomyAtos of the larynx.

In the average latent (hidden) period lasts from 3 months to one year. In strong health of infected persons remains the only carrier, without external manifestations. But the danger lies in the fact that it is able to infect another person.

Ways to HPV infection

The originator of the moment, able to survive outside the human body. Infection most commonly done through transmission of the virus through contact-household way. It can be a handshake, a touch, and also can use common household items, toys. Frequent cases of assault in public holiday. This spa, swimming pool, water parks.

But for penetration into the dermal layer of the skin is necessary one condition — damage to the skin cover. For infection will be enough to hairline cracks or small abrasions.

In the newborn the infection occurs on the vertical path, i.e., from the mother-the media in the process of birth or during breastfeeding.

Genital genital papilloma or warts are transmitted only through unprotected sexual intercourse. It is also possible to samsarajade, it is the transmission of the virus from one part of the body on the other. This happens when brushing, or injury paperwork build-up, for example, after shaving.

Basic types and kinds of papillomas

Strains of HPV, there are many. Medicine so far, we only know about 200 kinds of viruses. Some of them struck the only part of the body, the other the mucous membrane of the genital organs, and still others occur in the oral cavity and the larynx.

Among the known species there are the types that have high oncogenic risk. For example, the most dangerous for women are the viruses, 16, 18 and 31 types. They are often identified in cervical erosion, and also have become the cause of its rebirth in cancer. Availability in the body vysokokonkurentnyj types of the virus does not mean that the person necessarily incurs oncology. But it requires a more careful relationship to health and supervision of an expert.

According to the size and shape distinguish the following types of papillomas:

  1. Acne — is it normal, the most common growths. Appear often between the toes, on the soles of the feet, the chin. Plantar warts has a few compressed solid view of the gait and pressure. Often they are painful, but not oncogenic.
  2. Simple or acrochordus — are typical for older people. Outwardly, a thick yellowish color. Tend to grow with time. Always have a thin foot. Localized to the armpits, in the neck, in the skin folds and in the groin. Is unable to malignancy.
  3. Apartment — small numerous skin growths flat shape. Over the skin rises slightly. Have a body or a little brown color. They are located on the face, upper chest, in the region of the anus. Low risk of malignancy.
  4. Genital warts or warts — they occur just on sexual organs. Route of infection is mainly sexual. They are able to degenerate in malignant education.

Some forms of HPV lead to the emergence of a dangerous failure papilomyAtos of the larynx. White plaque and growths impede normal breathing, troubled vocal cords. This condition is able to lead to suffocation. Often this diagnosis to diagnose in children. When complicated during the virus coming down the pike, and affects the bronchi, lungs and trachea.

The danger of skin growths

Most of them does not pose a threat to life and health. They are just aesthetic defects and cause psychological discomfort.

But, if the papilloma is caused by a virus with a high level of oncogenetic, then under unfavorable circumstances can lead to a cancer diagnosis. Malignant education leads to strong alcoholic intoxication, and also to metastasis.

The factors that are able to trigger malignancy education:

  • burns and exposure to uv radiation;
  • injection papilloma as a result of his injuries;
  • chronic inflammation in the body and an open lower immunity.

Also growths often grow, their number increases. They tend to merge into groups, the result is a large affected area. The friction of clothing is able to lead to injury and bleeding paperwork build-up.

When you need to go to the doctor

Definitely need to go to a skin doctor for examination, if you noticed the following changes:

  1. After the injury Wound does not heal. Occurred to excretion of fluid, there is pain when touched.
  2. Color education has become darker.
  3. Papilloma was the growth in size.
  4. Excretion of pus.
  5. The emergence of unpleasant odors.
  6. Throbbing pain even at rest.
  7. Hair loss in the area of paperwork build-up.

All skin education is subject to inspection and supervision in genetic predisposition to cancer. If the papilloma they bring into the household the discomfort and prevents that are non-refundable mechanical removal.

Diagnosis and treatment of papillomas

Diagnosis and treatment of papillomas

Depending on the location of the localization is to be treated by a dermatologist, gynecologist or urologist. For the evaluation of the paperwork build-up are held necessarily to the following studies:

  • Dermatoscopy — a detailed study of the papilloma through a magnifying device.
  • A blood test for the detection of antibodies to HPV.
  • PCR-diagnostics.
  • Sampling of biomaterial on histology (for suspected malignancy education).

When vaginal formation the doctor takes swabs from the urethra or cervix. Carried out the presentation of analysis for the presence of STI. Diagnosis in the presence of the warts is done by both partners.

In the multi-a skin eruption possible to perform analysis on the control of the immune status.

Treatment of the disease is aimed at suppressing the virus and increase immunity. For this preliminary notification of the removal of all growths, as the source of the virus. Then it performs antiviral therapy and receiving immunomodulators.

Methods of removing formation

Depending on the size and location of the doctor may suggest the following methods of operative removal.

Methods of removing formation
  • Cryosurgery or exposure to liquid nitrogen.
    The disadvantage of this method is that the expert can accurately control the depth of influence. For this reason, it is possible to burn or complete removal of the education.
  • Laser removal
    It is the modern method, which allows for one session to get rid of several formations. It does not leave scars or scars. This leads to bleeding, so how is going the process of sealing the blood vessels. Has a number of contraindications.
  • Electrocoagulation.
    This method consists in the action of the game results in using the electrodes. It is effective when the speakers papillomax, which have a foot. Apply in the intimate zone. Advantage: the remote game results in it is possible to send for further laboratory studies.
  • Rádiovlnový way or method of the radiologist.
    The specialist may individually choose the length and strength of the radio waves, with regard to the depth of the paperwork build-up. Is carried out using apparatus "Surgitron". Healthy cells are not damaged, there is a point of impact on the games result in a thin electrode. Rehabilitation is not required.

In rare cases it is used for surgical excision of education. This is true in large formations or in the presence of symptoms of malignancy. This is the most radical, but effective method. Requires the subsequent restoration. Often remains a small scar. The risk of recurrence is minimal, because the surgeon completely removes the games effect, affecting the healthy area. Runs the operation in local anaesthesia.

Individual tribal papilloma can be derived with the help of special chemical products. They in the composition contain alkalis or acids. But with this method there is a great risk of burns. In addition, when incomplete removal of paperwork build-up often leads to new learning. Self-treatment of the formation may lead to serious negative consequences.

Preventive measures

Fully protect from HPV infection is only possible with the help of vaccination. But it is advisable to carry out only before the start of sexual life. It only protects from the most dangerous types of viruses that can lead to cancer.

To reduce the risk of the occurrence of papillomas is necessary to adhere to the basic rules.

  • In public places rest to walk barefoot. Only use your shoes.
  • In a public bathroom using the available overlays.
  • Use a condom during oral and the vaginal form of sex. But it will only give 50% protection, because the infection is pretty simple, close physical contact.
  • Seek monogamous relationships.
  • Minimize close communication with an infected person, which has the external manifestations of the disease.

Special attention should be paid to health, if the pregnancy is planned. For this pre-back test for the detection of HPV.

To avoid the relapse of the disease after removal, it is necessary to accurately follow all the doctor's recommendations. It is necessary to take care of the immunity that keeps it at an optimum level. To do this it is necessary to properly and efficiently feed, exercise and give up bad habits.

The very presence of HPV in the body — this is not a reason to sound the alarm and start the paved treatment. But when it is detected on the skin growths better to consult with your doctor.